Short Spiritual Quotes on Life Challenges - DoolBug

Short Spiritual Quotes on Life Challenges

Pain itself destroys pain. Suffering itself frees man from suffering.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Letting go of our suffering is the hardest thing we will ever do.


Suffering is wishing things were other than they are.


People suffer because they are caught in their views. As soon as we release those views, we are free and we don’t suffer anymore.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Inner silence promotes clarity of mind. It makes us value the inner world, it trains us to go inside to the source of peace and inspiration when we are faced with problems and challenges.

Deepak Chopra

Deep unspeakable suffering may well be called a baptism, a regeneration, the initiation into a new state.

George Eliot

Don’t run away from things that are unpleasant in order to embrace things that are pleasant. Put your hands in the earth. Face the difficulties and grow new happiness.

Thich Nhat Hanh

The wound is the place where the light enters you.


When you suffer, psychologically, remain with it completely without a single movement of thought. Out of that suffering comes compassion. And that energy is totally different from the mechanistic energy of thought.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.

Dalai Lama

The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most difficult period in one’s life.

Dalai Lama