An avoidance of true communication is tantamount to a relinquishment of my self- being , if I withdraw from it I am betraying not only the other but myself.
Ideals serve well as our guides. They are like beacons on a journey , they do not permit us to tarry, as though our goal and rest were already contained in them.
In order to grasp the reality, we must see the possibilities. In the present, a formulation of the possibilities is the area in which I gain uncertainty concerning what I decide, without a vision of the possibilities, I act blindly, only a knowledge of the possibilities enables me to know what I am actually doing.
But we can not avoid conflict, conflict with society, other individuals and with oneself. Conflicts may be the sources of defeat, lost life and a limitation of our potentiality but they may also lead to greater depth of living and the birth of more far-reaching unities, which flourish in the tensions that engender them.
There is something inside all of us that yearns not for reason but for mystery, not for penetrating clear thought but for the whisperings of the irrational, not for science but for wizardry disguised as science, not for rationally founded influence but for magic.
I want everyone to be the way I strive to become -- to be himself in his truth. Do not follow me, follow yourself ! is the existential challenge. Self-being awakens self-being but does not force itself on it.
We have only one reality, and that is here and now. What we miss by our evasions will never return, but if we squander ourselves, then too we lose being. Each day is precious a moment can be everything.
But inaction itself is a kind of action, and it has consequences. Consistently and absolutely maintained, inaction would necessarily lead to swift ruin , it would be a form of suicide. A refusal to enter into the world is a refusal to meet the challenge of reality which darkly demands that I dare and find out what will happen. In my situation I bear responsibility for what occurs because I do not intervene , if I can do something and I don't do it, I am guilty of the consequences of my inaction.
Reason is like an open secret that can become known to anyone at any time , it is the quiet space into which everyone can enter through his own thought.